The relatioship beetwen levels of altruism, empathy and assertiveness in nursing students
The relatioship beetwen levels of altruism, empathy and assertiveness in nursing students
Związek pomiędzy poziomem altruizmu, empatii a asertywnością wśród studentów pielęgniarstwa
ISSN: 2451-1846
Intoduction. It is obvious that altruism, empathy and assertiveness have a direct relationship with the nursing profession. Moreover, altruism, empathy and assertiveness are the values that have to be fostered in nurses in their development of a professional identity during their education. Professional values and attitudes also promote development of professional characteristics including the definition of humanistic care and professional identity. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of altruism with empathy and assertiveness in nursing students.
Aim. The purpose of thisstudy is todetermine the relationship of altruism with empathy and assertiveness in nursing students.
Material and Methods. This is a descriptivestudy.This study was conducted with 659 nursing students in the Nursing Departments of the Health Colleges of two universities in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. The data were collected using a Personal Information Questionnaire, the Altruism Scale, Empathic Tendency Scale and Ruthus Assertiveness Inventory. In analyzing the data, percentage distribution, mean standard deviation, correlation analysis, and confidence analysis were used.
Results. The students’ mean altruism score was found to be 62.69±11.35, their mean empathic tendency score 66.25±11.05 and their mean Ruthus Assertiveness Inventory score 7.36±15.52. A positive linear and statistically significant correlation was found between the altruism and empathic tendencies of the students who took part in the study (r=0.181, p=0.000) and between their altruism and Ruthus Assertiveness Inventory levels (r=0.186, p=0.000).
Conclusion. As the students’ empathic tendencies and assertiveness increase, the level of their altruism also increases.
altruism, empathic tendency, assertiveness, nursing students
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