Political Tradition and Local Self-Government in the Russia

  • Kategoria: Uncategorised
  • Odsłony: 1064

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21784/SamorzadTerytorialny.2017.006

Oleg Gorbachev

Ural Federal University

Political Tradition and Local Self-Government in Russia


The article analyzes the most significant and persistent features of local self-government in Russia over the last three hundred years. It is emphasized that the first forms of territorial self- government developed only in the course of the reforms of the second half of the 19 century. The central government despite concerns of the country’s disintegration had to tolerate self-government because government officials were unable to control the vast territories of the country. The lack of a clear division of powers between the state authorities and local government aa well as unstable sources of funding for local representative bodies made them inevitably dependent of the central government. Therefore, the problem of achieving real autonomy of local government structures in the current municipal reform is still relevant.

local territorial self-government; Russia; zemstvos; Soviets; municipalization

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